Training Resources

m.d. dogs Inc diabetic alert dog resources

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MD dogs book

View or download our free book which provides step-by-step instructions to train your own Diabetic Alert Dog to alert to your high and low blood sugars.

md dogs blog

For even more posts, additional videos, suggestions, and example training, visit our blog.


Earn MD Dogs verification to become part of the MD Dogs community, obtain clear graduation criteria, and receive MD Dogs support at any time.

md dogs videos

View our instructional videos which provide additional information and visual demonstrations of our Diabetic Alert Dog training methods.


Receive 1-on-1 virtual help from a trainer to set you and your DAD in training up for success.

MD Dogs Seminars

Learn about previous and future seminars that provide hands on learning, a community, and a crash course in DAD training.

Frequently asked questions

Our goal is to transparentize the field of Diabetic Alert Dogs and enable individuals with diabetes to train their own Diabetic Alert Dogs. Because of this both our book and video series are completely free! 1-one-1 virtual trainer assistance varies based on duration and frequencies of meetings. 

Potentially! Read our book and watch the video “Choosing a Dog” to learn more about whether your dog may be a good candidate to train as your Diabetic Alert Dog.

Yes! Rescue dogs can become successful Diabetic Alert Dogs. However, just as not every child wants to be a brain surgeon when they grow up, not every dog wants to be a Diabetic Alert Dog. To find out how to perform temperament testing and find the right dog for the job, read the sections in our book and watch the video on “Choosing a Dog” found in the links above. 

Currently we do not provide fully trained Diabetic Alert Dogs and are unable to assist with this process.

Our organization runs because of your generous donations. We are incredibly grateful to those who are able to financially support us, allowing us to continue creating and releasing materials that are free to the public. A donation link can be found at the bottom of the page if you are able to help!

Even if you cannot donate, if you have used MD Dogs materials we would love to hear your success story and share it with others to spread the word. If you’d like to share your story with us please email us at

success storieS

"Libby makes things easy to understand and FUN! She is a joy to watch and she is so encouraging."
"Before I found M.D. Dogs, I was lost. My dog was alerting ok, but was struggling in public and was lacking confidence in herself and in her alerting. After I read the M.D. Dogs workbook and watched the videos it was a life changer for me and my dog. Watching Libby train Franklyn on Instagram made me see was real Diabetic Alert Dog training looked like. My faith in having a solid working Diabetic Alert Dog was restored. A long while later and now my dog not only rocks movement alerts, but is also trained to low blood sugar alerts with a bringsel (which is something I had never thought of using for an alert!) and is a dog that I trust to alert me in just about every situation. I've gotten so many compliments on her behavior when I'm in public, and at many JDRF events she's always the most well behaved Diabetic Alert Dog there. she's such a happier dog now and I'm a safer diabetic because of M.D. Dogs. Thank you Libby and M.D. Dogs!"
- Kelsey
"Libby is very knowledgeable and professional as well as an excellent trainer. After attending her MD Dogs Diabetic Alert Dog seminar I am excited to be able to help other owner/trainers who need support while training their DAD."
"I had researched scent training methods for over a year, before my pup came into my life. I felt discouraged at first and I honestly thought that I couldn't train my own diabetic alert dog, until I found M.D. Dogs! Libby's workbook is user-friendly and she's always so nice and helpful if you need further assistance. Thanks to M.D. Dogs, my DAD Tógó, is often alerting 15-30 min. before I'm low, giving me more time to treat. My endocrinologist is seeing major improvements since Tógó started alerting with more accuracy and the times I have needed Glucagon, has greatly diminished! M.D. dogs has definitely changed our lives and gave me the confidence to train Tógó! I'm incredibly grateful to Libby and her training methods"
- Soley

Donations are greatly appreciated to support MD Dogs’ mission and allow us to continue providing resources for type 1 diabetics to train their own Diabetic Alert Dogs at an affordable cost. Thank you for any contribution you are able to make.